Local Charity Services

We're dedicated to making a difference - We'd love to hear from Local Charities in the Derby & Nottingham Area.

We’re passionate about helping the local Community

Our Director, has been a  Director of local Charities and our Company as a Partner is eager to help give back to the local community.

We supply a mixture of web services, some paid (discounted) for and some free of charge   a donation in kind.

Since 2014 alone he's helped donate and contribute work wise, thousands of pounds in desperately needed funds to help community projects around the Derbyshire / Nottinghamshire area. Something he's committed to continuing in 2020 and beyond.

What Our Customers Say

We're Sorry

Currently we're unable to access any more free Charity work.

Please check back in 2020 - there will be a form after the New Year for more work / time available to local Charities.

If you're in a particular awkward situation and are in desperate need of help, please contact us and we'll see what we can do.